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WMF PhotoSimu App

Want to know how one of our WMF coffee machines could fit into your business?

Install our WMF PhotoSimu app on your mobile device free of charge and see for yourself!


With the WMF PhotoSimu app, you can easily create a simulation that shows where the best place for one of our WMF coffee machines would be on your premises!

How it works:


1. Download and install the app

The WMF PhotoSimu app can be downloaded free of charge for iOS from the Apple App Store or for Android from the Google Play Store and installed on your tablet PC or smartphone.

For Apple

For Android

2. Positioning

In landscape format, position the marker at the potential location for your new WMF coffee machine. This will act as a size reference in the display. Use our flyer as a marker for the app.

Download: Photo Simu Marker (PDF1.19 MB)


3. Scanning

To start the scanning process, select a WMF coffee machine with compatible add-on equipment in the app. Then, using the smartphone or tablet camera, hold the marker in view until the machine or bank of machines appears.

Hold the device still and avoid casting strong light reflections or shadows on the marker. In addition, make sure that the surrounding areas are sufficiently illuminated and are not too dark.


And you’re done!

You can now view the WMF coffee machine in its desired location in 3D and take pictures. The images are automatically saved in the app gallery and can be shared via e-mail from there.


The WMF coffee machine team hopes you have fun with the WMF PhotoSimu App!